
Monday, May 15, 2023, 20:51 | No Comments »

Jesus desires to have a relationship with you. It is not about religion its about relationship. And its so easy to have a relationship with Him. Just say yes!!! Salvation is as easy as A, B, C. A- Admit you are a sinner, confess your sin and turn away from it. Believe that Jesus is the son of God. Confess with your heart that He is Lord of your life that easy. Salvation is a gift that Christ gives, not something you can earn. Scripture reference John 3:16. If you want to give your Life to Christ contact me and I will help you pray that prayer. It is your most important decision. 

Saturday, May 13, 2023, 02:21 | 1 Comment »

Try this. Use the bible app and let it read Psalms 139 to you. I like the message version myself. It is like a personal love letter from the Father to show you how valuable you are to him. I listen to this nightly and i challenge you to try it and listen to it daily for 30 days, it will change your life. Try it and let me know your thoughts.


Saturday, May 13, 2023, 00:11 | No Comments »

Hello and welcome to my blog. I am a simple "Everyday Joe", who loves Jesus and I want to be able to share my love of Christ to help you find and form a relationship with Him. It's not about religion, it's about relationship. Let me walk on this journey with you. I am an ordained minister, christian counselor, evangelist, life coach, author and yes an Everyday Joe. 

If you need prayer, encouragement, or questions about your life and faith, I am here for you. I never believed, as messed up as my life was, could have value in the kingdom. But I found Jesus, and man life has never been the same. Through addictions, bad life choices, broken marriages and feeling unworthy, the Holy Spirit met me where I was and showed me I have value. I am somebody, I am an heir to the throne and a son of the king. I am free and I am enjoying life.

Do I still have challenges? Yes I do. But I have Jesus, family, a great spiritual support of divine connections that help me sort this thing called life out. I love people and helping others. So lets meet here online and connect. You do not have to struggle alone, God wants us to have relationship and to help each other. 

So if you feel lost and alone, consider this forum to be your light house and a path to safe harbor. 

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