Saturday, May 13, 2023, 02:21

Try this. Use the bible app and let it read Psalms 139 to you. I like the message version myself. It is like a personal love letter from the Father to show you how valuable you are to him. I listen to this nightly and i challenge you to try it and listen to it daily for 30 days, it will change your life. Try it and let me know your thoughts.


Dr Richard Barton wrote:
Monday, May 15, 2023, 20:58 This is a link for a video of psalms 139
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Led by Faith 4 Him

God does not look for the qualified, He qualifies the willing

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I am a servant of Jesus Christ. I am an author, Evangelist, Pastor, Grandpa, & Father. I love healing & the miraculous. I like helping the lost find their way.

Healing Ministry

I recieved my healing, and love to lay 

hands on the sick and see them recover.


God Can Use and Everyday Joe was my first book. 

I have two more that will come out soon


Always the right time to say yes to Jesus.

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